Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Saying your prayers

 I have pictures! Okay, Janey has pictures! But I'm in some! And I basically do the same things as she does so I have all the same shots. Go here!
Yesterday we went to my very favorite village of Vanuakula. We spoke with my very favorite woman in all of Fiji, Vere. We were checking on her garden that we helped build last week, which looked good. Then we went over to her neighbor Lavenia's house to build her a garden. When we got there, she already had a beautiful frame set up with the darkest, richest soil all ready to go. This is rare because usually they need help building the frame and loading the soil. I asked her where she got it and she said that her husband did it all for her.
Let me tell you about this woman's husband: when we get there, he is in the kitchen preparing something for us to eat. And, he's watching the children. And since he is desiring to become a pastor, he doesn't smoke, drink or swear. And he allows his wife to go out clubbing at nights. He is the sweetest, most patient and giving man I think I've ever met. We all think she is lucky to have him and it's actually a common topic in my house.

So Lavenia reveals that her husband did all of this work for her. I asked her how she found such a husband because I wanted one. She said "I prayed for one". I asked her "oh? Is that what you did?" She laughed and responded "No, he prayed for me!"
Her sister then piped in and said "He prayed for a lazy wife?!" We all laughed so hard!

Later, Vere was showing me her plants and revealed that she had actually fed us with the crop from those plants last time we came! I said "wow, that's great!" and I turned around to my people and said "This is the eggplant she served us last time we came!" and then I whispered "which I didn't eat..." and I turned back around and Vere was close to my face and placed one finger under my chin and said half-kidding half-scolding "You didn't eat my food?!" It scared me so bad because I didn't know that she was that close to me! She of course was very sweet about it as I explained that I am a picky eater by nature and hate all things fish. I seriously love her. She is plump and quiet but she's funny.

One last thing that happened in that village was that Janey was introducing me to the new people as "heifer" because a. she thinks it's funny and 2. its really hard for them to say my name. So, she tells them it's heifer and because they think that's really my name and don't speak English well enough to know what it really means, they call me that. So she told Vere yesterday that she can call me heifer if she has a hard time pronouncing my name. I told Vere that she should NOT call me that because she is actually calling me a cow. She thought that was funny and told us that the Fijian name for cow is bulamacow. And now she calls me that. Knowing what it is. She's the best. Kinda.

Love it here. It's kata kata vaca levu and I love it.


  1. I am so happy you're loving it and I am soaking up all your stories like a sponge. Really enjoying them! I wish you had more pictures. Of course you didn't eat the eggplant. I still can't believe you ate a turkey sandwhich I made for you one time!! :)

  2. I am glad that your doing well and having fun.
