Thursday, July 22, 2010

Two times...nasty.

The other day i was with this girl courtney (i apologize in advance because the shift button doesn't really work so nothing will be capitalized) and we were getting on the bus. we sat down and she had seated herself on the bench in front of me. i saw some green goop on her arm and asked her what it was. she freaked out when she realized that it was bird poop. nasty! so, she wiped it on the bar directly behind her. a few minutes later, there was a small fijian child talking to me. i put my hands on the bar in front of me to turn around and speak with her. the minute i put my hands on the bar, i realized that i had just placed my hand directly where courtney had wiped the bird poop. we laughed because it was disgusting and what are the chances? lots of purell and a good story to take home.

yesterday courtney and i were in lautoka and we were, for lack of better words, kinda lost. i decided that the best way to find our way back was to ask for directions. there were a few women across the street so we crossed and i began to ask them for directions. as they were answering me, i saw that courtney was acting weird. she wasn't participating in the conversation but rather, was turned away from us. how rude, right? i returned my full attention to the women that were trying to guide us home and placed my hand on a bus stop sign right near me. why did i do that? now i'm not so sure. but once again, the minute i put my hand on it, i knew something was wrong. i pulled my hand away and seeing what was on it, i quickly excused myself from the women and we began to walk away. a giant glob of snot was planted directly in my palm. someone threw down a huge lugee (sp?) on that post and the reason courtney wasnt talking to those women was because she had just gotten it on her hand and was silently freaking out. she got it wiping it back onto the post. the post where i decided to grab just then.

nasty, eh?

i don't have too much exciting to say. i am going to the beach for the second time since i've been in fiji. wait, third. contrary to what it might seem, i am far from a beach. i am in a little town on the coast but not near any clean water or beaches. it's super hot and i'm excited to play in some water tomorrow.
i've decided that i'm too high maintenace for cold showers. i really thought i could do it but i can't. i've realized that i can boil two pots of water, sit on the floor of the shower and enjoy a little hot bath. worth it!

there was a spider the size of my palm in my bedroom yesterday. oh well. yes, this is me, saying that i don't mind that the spider is in my room. who have i become?! still, i hate them but i assure you, after seeing four mice in my kitchen in one day - a spider ain't much.

the people continue to be amazing and often times (sorry mom), we hitchhike instead of paying the expensive taxi fares. they're so nice and they love to drive us places just to talk to us. i saw a white baby yesterday and he had blond hair and bright blue eyes and looked at me and waved and called out "bula!". so funny.

i only have a month left and i'm already sad. don't get me wrong, i will be delighted to return to the warm water, people and the food but i will be sad to leave this place.
also, i gave my first book of mormon to a stranger the other day and it was great! cam, i'm excited for you! and i've decided that the worst thing in the world is a missed opportunity. can you think of anything worse?

all my love,


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